Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

08-15-2021Gospel Meditation© LPi

“They are courageous, wise women who ground us, focus us, and inspire us. They are the good mothers who walk with us and light our way. They teach us life lessons and help us heal and navigate through challenges and difficulties. We need people to point the way. Sometimes, these wise ladies are not our biological mothers but women in our lives, who through their strong and faithful presence, anchor us and remind us that we are loved. We need these women. Human beings do their best when they have cheerleaders in their lives. They show us that even when facing despair there is always a brighter tomorrow.

Jesus needed his mother. She had to be that faithful anchor, that guiding presence, in his life. Jesus needed to be affirmed and encouraged just like any other human being and Mary had to be there, right by his side, doing precisely that. Even when her heart was pierced as he was nailed to a tree, she did not give up hope. Most certainly, she continued to wait, watch, hope, and love until he took his final breath. That’s what mothers do. Even when their heart breaks, they persevere.

Today, our Blessed Mother is our cheerleader once again. Taken up to heaven in body and soul, she points to and directs us toward our final destiny. Life eternal waits! Any disappointment, fear, or anxiety can be set aside as she gently reassures us of God’s love and promise. Always a mother filled with grace and hope, she calls us to reaffirm our faith in God and in the gifts we have each been given. We can persevere and do what we need to do to live life well, with faith, hope, and love as our guiding lights. Knowing who we are and who we will one day become helps us to better chart the course and direction of our earthly lives. Looking to the example of our Blessed Mother, we receive the assurance we need.