Holy Day Schedule

Thu, Aug 15 - Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - is a Holy Day of Obligation.

Upcoming Week at a Glance

SaturdayJuly 27

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † Richard A. Kadash

  • 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Confession
  • 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Confession
  • 5:15 pm Mass(Vigil Mass)

    † Eve Valentin

SundayJuly 28

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † Ruth Hayes

  • 10:00 am Mass

    † Donna Morgan

  • 12:00 pm Mass

    † Rick Ponzo

MondayJuly 29

  • 8:00 am Mass


TuesdayJuly 30

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † Ruben V. Dimanlig

  • 7:00 pm Mass

    † Corlando Dennis

WednesdayJuly 31

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † Mercedes Lim

ThursdayAugust 01

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † James Flanagan

FridayAugust 02

  • 8:00 am Mass

    † Marin Solakov


Monday - Friday 8 AM
Saturdays 8 AM
Last Tuesday 7 PM


Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM
Sundays 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 PM

Sunday Mass & Holy Day Obligation

It is both a precept of the Church and Church law that Catholics must worship God on Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation by participating in the Holy Mass. This follows from the fact that in the Mass it is Christ Himself who worships the Father, joining our worship to His. In no other way is it possible to adequately give thanks (eucharistia) to God for the blessings of creation, redemption and our sanctification than by uniting our offerings to that of Jesus Christ Himself.



Saturdays 11 AM - 12 Noon and 4 - 4:45 PM
or by Appointment, at the Rectory